MommaKnowsdotcom....Betsy Schreiber M.M.S.Speech Language Pathologist

Toys , Music and Books for Language Development


When I visit the families on the Early Intervention Program, I always bring books and toys that interest the child, but at the same time, help stimulate speech and language development.

So many of the parents ask me, "What should I buy for my child?"

I usually spend a little bit of time each session demonstrating how to stimulate language and speech in everyday activities and during play-time.

Even if you are working all day and your child is in daycare or has a baby sitter, there is nothing so rewarding than to spend a little bit of special bonding time together. Even during routine activities like bathing, or getting ready for bed, you can sing familiar songs together, play "sea captain" or " give the dollbaby a bath" in the bathtub, read familiar stories and just have fun.

Here are some recommendations for toys and books that are more interactive and promote speech and language development. It is not necessary for all toys to fall into this category. Some toys develop non-verbal, spatial, motor and coordination skills, which are also very important for developing thinking skills.

The caregiver and educator of young children should be aware of how much time the child spends in the various types of activities. A child with little time to interact, will progress more slowly in language skills.

In a toy like this one, a role playing toy, the child or you can be the doctor or vet. It is very useful to make up a story and let the child lead the direction of the story as much as possible. Help the child develop an inner story line and play it out as long as the child is willing. If the child will not stay with the toy long enough to develop a short story, then let him or her pick a toy to make up an imaginary world. These imaginary worlds help develop language, vocabulary, sequencing and interaction. Sometimes the caregiver just needs to start the child off, then let the child be the leader for a while. Help the child name everything and explain what is happening.

Getting a child to talk and to modify speech, is like being on a teeter todder. First the motion or word is initiated, then there is a reaction and a response to keep the motion going. With language, the back and forth action is the same.


The other aspect of getting a child to make his or her utterances more like an adults, is imitation of both body movements and sounds. In order for imitation to occur there has to be eye contact and reinforcement. It has to be fun and rewarding to play the imitation game.


When you are playing with a garage with cars, or a doll house or Pooh Bear's tree house and his friends, help your child develop a story.


Another good toy is one that requires a couple of steps to assemble, but not too many! It is good to work with your child to learn a sequence of steps, words to describe what you are doing, and reward of finishing a great toy! An truck that you can take apart and put back together, like the one seen here, is a good example. Look for a truck( or any other similar toy)that has several different tools and options for assembly.



If a truck does not interest your daughter, you might look for a doll house or a baby with all the accessories. A little can go a long way, and some of the accessories can be readily available around the house.

Good supplies to recycle include : shoeboxes (make great condominiums for small dolls and beanie babies), cloth, food storage containers, wrapping paper ( to decorate condos) Get the picture? Don't be afraid to mix and match.

For those of you who just can't get into the toy thing, you just have to know that if you get your child started, you will have fun watching him or her develop their own ideas. The only thing you have to do is listen.

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