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| Dawn Fishin' DAWN I have always loved the dawn, The time before the end of night. The hour of renewal begun, The turning of earth toward warmth and light. As the opaque, blackness of sky is ruptured By the rays of the sun, I am awed by this enveloping power. The darkness, pursued , like a race to be won, Amused by the fated flaw in the run. This swift illumined runner grasps the dark baton. The morning comes in spite of my desire To linger In the gray sparks of a predawn fire, Before the last stars are gone, Before the last cricket churps a sleepy song, I doze, As the first birds are awakened Announcing the majesty of Dawn.
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Miriam on the First of Av Tears for you tonight Your name is Bitterness, Yet, your sweet song is jubilant! Tears for you tonight For your song is joyous At the wonders that brought Freedom At the sight of our God Face to face. Yet, songs to be no longer uttered In the same way, Ever again, Bring my tears.
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A Conversation on Shabbat Nachamu We are your people, You are our G-d. We are your children, You are our Father. WHERE ARE MY CHILDREN WHERE HAVE MY PEOPLE GONE? SCATTERED AMONGST THE NATIONS SPEAKING MANY LANGUAGES EATING STRANGE FOOD BECOMING STRANGERS? At our Shabbat table, we are reunited. We are Bridegroom and Bride. At our Shabbat table, The narot shed light like the First Light, And reflect in the eyes of our children Like the First Eyes. At our Shabbat table The wine is sweet and the challot Like the First Bread. At our Shabbat table We are found.