Burning Embers
Smoldering Embers


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A cry is heard from Ramah....
It is Rachel weeping for her children." Jeremiah


No Kings this Year, Tishre 5761

No kings lead us to victory in Judah's plain
No sacrifices to God are made in Vain
A Mosque protects our Holy Site
from our One upsmanship.
Yet, now we have a State
And our people have
The right to live! (For the moment.)
When no leader and no nation took us, Jews
From our floating coffins,
We were yesterday's news
Traveling all the oceans of the Earth
Only needing a healing haven
From the death-cruise.

Have we learned the lessons
Of a tortured parent?
Have we looked into our past for advice?
Have our ancient Kings taught us by example errant
of human beings and sacrifice?
Now we self govern with privilege and greed
We are lawmakers and judges,
Sending our children to kill
Then, bleed.
We are frozen in a peaceful hate
By the alacrity which may annihilate.
All our leaders great and small,
God-like and God-less succumbed to gall.

Have we learned our lessons
From a silenced parent?
Have we looked to our future for advice?
Have our current leaders taught us,
By decisions errant
Of human beings and sacrifice?

For our lessons in politics and theocracy
Our Prophets and sages reiterate their pleas,
If you are God-less you can never have true democracy,
Nor the insight that delivers peace.
Ever mindful of our Holy Borders,
Bunkers and tombs of gas,
Our Inner Bait Hamikdash must be built at last.



Anochi Hashem...